Friday, June 24, 2016

Day 10

Today at camp was pretty fun. Java was awesome. We didn't have much time to free build, so I wasn't very productive on that. Today we had a field trip and walked to Barnes & Nobles. I had a buddy during the trip, and her name was Vivian, and we were just talking and laughing the whole time. At Barnes & Nobles I had Starbucks, and got a venti Vanilla Bean Frapachino. It was delicious.

Blog Prompt: Tell me a joke

Why did the human cross the road? Because the chicken called "Packa"

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Day 9

Today at camp was cool and very productive. I really like java, and I hope that we can continue to learn it because it is awesome. My website is coming along and I think that I will most likely finish on time. Today Tasha made an impromptu visit in camp at like 3:00 for five minutes, it was weird but cool. I might miss camp on Monday and Tuesday, but I really don't want too. I will try to convince my mom to let me come, but we will see when the time comes.

Blog Prompt: If I could go any where back in time where would I go and why?

I would go back to the time of the Ancient Greeks. I would go there because it would be cool to be able to sword fight, and fight lions.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Day 8

Today was cool I was able to center my table and change the color of the table. I had some problems aligning the image, but after a while the people I had asked for help came through and were able to find out how to do it. We didn't have a lot of time for free build today so that was all I was able to accomplish, well besides the java we did earlier. We talked to Espi today though video chat for almost an hour, it was cool talking to one of Tasha's friends and seeing them do well in life. The camp activity was fun, we had say a phrase and continue the story. It was fun but someone kept bringing up a huge pidgin, so I got annoyed and killed it of like three times. Any way camp is cool.

Blog Prompt:  If you could be any character in a Disney movie who would you be? Why?

                       I would like to be Belle from Beauty in the Beast because she and  I love to read, and it also helps that she is married to a prince, and lives in a big castle. But I do prefer the color blue, but I still choose Belle.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Day 7

Today was ok, I forgot my flash drive, so today was not as productive as I would have liked. Although I did manage to find a way to center a table, so I will be able to incorporate it tomorrow. We did have someone come in and tell us about java, and they tried to make us understand binary. I had trouble with binary at first, but now I more or less understand it. Today for lunch we had Chinese and the rice was delicious. Tomorrow I should have more progress on my Webpage, and I did use the time today to find more components to add to my webpage.

Blog Prompt: Favorite Super Hero and Why?

My favorite super hero is Captain America. I think it's cool how he used to be a nobody, a failure, but he got a chance to be something, a chance to save lives, and he took it. He became awesome in the process.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Day 6

Today was awesome, I got a good start on my HTML project, and I can finally play my maze, we are just working on how to time how long it takes to complete the maze. I am having a problems centering the table, but I will fix it tomorrow so it's all good.  

Blog Prompt: If I were to have dinner with two people dead or alive, I would have diner with my Dad                        and Rick Riordan.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Day 5

Today was very productive. I finished coding my EV3 project and reviewed all the past HTML knowledge I have so I can have a good foundation before starting my second project on Monday. The HTML project is going to take a lot of work, so I just hope that I finish on time.

Blog Prompt: If I were to meet a fictional character I would meet Annabeth Chase or Hermione Granger because they are super smart and awesome characters.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Day 4

     Today was awesome. We had Lorenzo's, and it was delicious. Today I finished building mt EV3 Project, but I still have to program it, so I am only half way there. Today in Blender my maze is done which is cool, but I have to work on the character now, so I hope I finish it tomorrow. 

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Day 3

Today at camp was fun,and I hope tomorrow is as fun as today was.

Blog Prompt: Favorite animal and Why
  • My favorite animals are wolves.
  • They are my favorite because they are a pack and always stay together. They are also very fierce and dominant in the wild, which is awesome.


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Day 2

Today at camp was pretty fun, I thought blender was cool and can't wait to work on it tomorrow.

Blog Prompt: Favorite Things
  1. Blue
  2. Castle, Halsey
  3. Catching Fire
  4. Popcorn
  5. Dion's
  6. Dr. Pepper
  7. Dogs
  8. House of Hades
  9. Read
  10. Sleep

Monday, June 13, 2016

Day 1

     So far this summer vacation I have taken a vacation to Orlando, Florida. While we were there we went to Disney World for three days, then to Universal Studios for two days. The drive there was really long, but it was cool because we drove through so many states, but I am really happy we chose to fly home, because if I was stuck in the car for another twenty five hours with my sister complaining the whole time, I don't think I would have survived.
Displaying 1684683_69343526.jpg
Universal Studios

Displaying Castle girls 4
Disney World